Monday, January 21, 2013

Aunt Flow

So Yesterday was probably my worst symptom day. I had bad cramping and PMS. All in all I would just call it an ordinary visit from Aunt Flow. I hadn't had one in a year so I think that is what made it worse.
Today has been much better. I am about ready to start really "trying" I am so excited!
Yesterday I had to buy some gifts fro a baby shower. I had a lot of fun picking out tiny little boy outfits! It was all that my poor husband could do to keep me from buying stuff for our next little bundle. I am secretly wanting a boy but I will always be happy with whatever the Lord blesses us with.


Friday, January 18, 2013


Hey everyone! 
I hope that this week is treating everyone well.

So I have had my Mirena out for 48 hours now. I'm feeling great! I have had a couple of headaches and some MINOR cramps. This was not what I was expecting at all. I had been steeling myself up for immense pain and bleeding. Most of the research that I had done was blogs of people talking about how awful it would be. 
I kept hearing the phrase, "Mirena Crash". Women going through huge amounts of dark depression terrible pain and bleeding. It downright scared me! I had a lot of trouble when I had the mirena inserted and I didn't want to think that getting it out would be even worse. 
The day that I went in to have it removed I told my husband that he would have to be extremely patient with me, I was trying to prepare for all of the horror stories that I had read. 
Well, like I said earlier so far it has been easy compared to getting it put in. the process is quicker in the office and I was able to go back to work immediately. 

I know that everyone's body reacts differently to hormones and hormone withdrawal. I am not belittling  what these women went through. I take it more as a lesson to myself that you really can't freak out about everything that you see online. 

I also wanted to put something positive about this process so that the next lady in my shoes may have a more well rounded picture of what to expect.

Do you have any experience with a Mirena removal? What was it like for you? I would love to hear about it!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's Out!

Well today I started my exciting journey to mommyhood for the second time!
It has been a year to the day since I had the miscarriage.
Today I had my Mirena IUD removed!
Now I have the hard task of waiting through at least one cycle before TTC.

I hope to use this blog to record all of the ups and downs of this adventure. I will write a few times each week.
Are there any other ladies out there who want to do this with me?
I would love to "meet" up with you and share our stories!

Until next time,